+ -

Keyboard/Keypad Page (0x07)

2022-05-20 1287 51


Usage ID Usage Name Usage Type AT-101 PC-AT Mac Unix Boot
00-00 Reserved
1 Keyboard ErrorRollOver1 Sel N/A 3 3 3 4/101/104
2 Keyboard POSTFail1 Sel N/A 3 3 3 4/101/104
3 Keyboard ErrorUndefined1 Sel N/A 3 3 3 4/101/104
4 Keyboard a and A2 Sel 31 3 3 3 4/101/104
5 Keyboard b and B Sel 50 3 3 3 4/101/104
6 Keyboard c and C2 Sel 48 3 3 3 4/101/104
7 Keyboard d and D Sel 33 3 3 3 4/101/104
8 Keyboard e and E Sel 19 3 3 3 4/101/104
9 Keyboard f and F Sel 34 3 3 3 4/101/104
0A Keyboard g and G Sel 35 3 3 3 4/101/104
0B Keyboard h and H Sel 36 3 3 3 4/101/104
0C Keyboard i and I Sel 24 3 3 3 4/101/104
0D Keyboard j and J Sel 37 3 3 3 4/101/104
0E Keyboard k and K Sel 38 3 3 3 4/101/104
0F Keyboard l and L Sel 39 3 3 3 4/101/104
10 Keyboard m and M2 Sel 52 3 3 3 4/101/104
11 Keyboard n and N Sel 51 3 3 3 4/101/104
12 Keyboard o and O2 Sel 25 3 3 3 4/101/104
13 Keyboard p and P2 Sel 26 3 3 3 4/101/104
14 Keyboard q and Q2 Sel 17 3 3 3 4/101/104
15 Keyboard r and R Sel 20 3 3 3 4/101/104
16 Keyboard s and S Sel 32 3 3 3 4/101/104
17 Keyboard t and T Sel 21 3 3 3 4/101/104
18 Keyboard u and U Sel 23 3 3 3 4/101/104
19 Keyboard v and V Sel 49 3 3 3 4/101/104
1A Keyboard w and W2 Sel 18 3 3 3 4/101/104
1B Keyboard x and X2 Sel 47 3 3 3 4/101/104
1C Keyboard y and Y2 Sel 22 3 3 3 4/101/104
1D Keyboard z and Z2 Sel 46 3 3 3 4/101/104
1E Keyboard 1 and !2 Sel 2 3 3 3 4/101/104
1F Keyboard 2 and @2 Sel 3 3 3 3 4/101/104
20 Keyboard 3 and #2 Sel 4 3 3 3 4/101/104
21 Keyboard 4 and $2 Sel 5 3 3 3 4/101/104
22 Keyboard 5 and %2 Sel 6 3 3 3 4/101/104
23 Keyboard 6 and ^2 Sel 7 3 3 3 4/101/104
24 Keyboard 7 and &2 Sel 8 3 3 3 4/101/104
25 Keyboard 8 and *2 Sel 9 3 3 3 4/101/104
26 Keyboard 9 and (2 Sel 10 3 3 3 4/101/104
27 Keyboard 0 and )2 Sel 11 3 3 3 4/101/104
28 Keyboard Return (ENTER)3 Sel 43 3 3 3 4/101/104
29 Keyboard ESCAPE Sel 110 3 3 3 4/101/104
2A Keyboard DELETE (Backspace)4 Sel 15 3 3 3 4/101/104
2B Keyboard Tab Sel 16 3 3 3 4/101/104
2C Keyboard Spacebar Sel 61 3 3 3 4/101/104
2D Keyboard - and (underscore)2 Sel 12 3 3 3 4/101/104
2E Keyboard = and +2 Sel 13 3 3 3 4/101/104
2F Keyboard [ and {2 Sel 27 3 3 3 4/101/104
30 Keyboard ] and }2 Sel 28 3 3 3 4/101/104
31 Keyboard \and | Sel 29 3 3 3 4/101/104
32 Keyboard Non-US # and ˜5 Sel 42 3 3 3 4/101/104
33 Keyboard ; and :2 Sel 40 3 3 3 4/101/104
34 Keyboard ‘ and “2 Sel 41 3 3 3 4/101/104
35 Keyboard Grave Accent and Tilde2 Sel 1 3 3 3 4/101/104
36 Keyboard , and <2 Sel 53 3 3 3 4/101/104
37 Keyboard . and >2 Sel 54 3 3 3 4/101/104
38 Keyboard / and ?2 Sel 55 3 3 3 4/101/104
39 Keyboard Caps Lock6 Sel 30 3 3 3 4/101/104
3A Keyboard F1 Sel 112 3 3 3 4/101/104
3B Keyboard F2 Sel 113 3 3 3 4/101/104
3C Keyboard F3 Sel 114 3 3 3 4/101/104
3D Keyboard F4 Sel 115 3 3 3 4/101/104
3E Keyboard F5 Sel 116 3 3 3 4/101/104
3F Keyboard F6 Sel 117 3 3 3 4/101/104
40 Keyboard F7 Sel 118 3 3 3 4/101/104
41 Keyboard F8 Sel 119 3 3 3 4/101/104
42 Keyboard F9 Sel 120 3 3 3 4/101/104
43 Keyboard F10 Sel 121 3 3 3 4/101/104
44 Keyboard F11 Sel 122 3 3 3 4/101/104
45 Keyboard F12 Sel 123 3 3 3 4/101/104
46 Keyboard PrintScreen7 Sel 124 3 3 3 4/101/104
47 Keyboard Scroll Lock6 Sel 125 3 3 3 4/101/104
48 Keyboard Pause7 Sel 126 3 3 3 4/101/104
49 Keyboard Insert7 Sel 75 3 3 3 4/101/104
4A Keyboard Home7 Sel 80 3 3 3 4/101/104
4B Keyboard PageUp7 Sel 85 3 3 3 4/101/104
4C Keyboard Delete Forward7,8 Sel 76 3 3 3 4/101/104
4D Keyboard End7 Sel 81 3 3 3 4/101/104
4E Keyboard PageDown7 Sel 86 3 3 3 4/101/104
4F Keyboard RightArrow7 Sel 89 3 3 3 4/101/104
50 Keyboard LeftArrow7 Sel 79 3 3 3 4/101/104
51 Keyboard DownArrow7 Sel 84 3 3 3 4/101/104
52 Keyboard UpArrow7 Sel 83 3 3 3 4/101/104
53 Keypad Num Lock and Clear6 Sel 90 3 3 3 4/101/104
54 Keypad /7 Sel 95 3 3 3 4/101/104
55 Keypad * Sel 100 3 3 3 4/101/104
56 Keypad - Sel 105 3 3 3 4/101/104
57 Keypad + Sel 106 3 3 3 4/101/104
58 Keypad ENTER3 Sel 108 3 3 3 4/101/104
59 Keypad 1 and End Sel 93 3 3 3 4/101/104
5A Keypad 2 and Down Arrow Sel 98 3 3 3 4/101/104
5B Keypad 3 and PageDn Sel 103 3 3 3 4/101/104
5C Keypad 4 and Left Arrow Sel 92 3 3 3 4/101/104
5D Keypad 5 Sel 97 3 3 3 4/101/104
5E Keypad 6 and Right Arrow Sel 102 3 3 3 4/101/104
5F Keypad 7 and Home Sel 91 3 3 3 4/101/104
60 Keypad 8 and Up Arrow Sel 96 3 3 3 4/101/104
61 Keypad 9 and PageUp Sel 101 3 3 3 4/101/104
62 Keypad 0 and Insert Sel 99 3 3 3 4/101/104
63 Keypad . and Delete Sel 104 3 3 3 4/101/104
64 Keyboard Non-US \and |9,10 Sel 45 3 3 3 4/101/104
65 Keyboard Application11 Sel 129 3 3 104
66 Keyboard Power1 Sel 3 3
67 Keypad = Sel 3
68 Keyboard F13 Sel 3
69 Keyboard F14 Sel 3
6A Keyboard F15 Sel 3
6B Keyboard F16 Sel
6C Keyboard F17 Sel
6D Keyboard F18 Sel
6E Keyboard F19 Sel
6F Keyboard F20 Sel
70 Keyboard F21 Sel
71 Keyboard F22 Sel
72 Keyboard F23 Sel
73 Keyboard F24 Sel
74 Keyboard Execute Sel 3
75 Keyboard Help Sel 3
76 Keyboard Menu Sel 3
77 Keyboard Select Sel 3
78 Keyboard Stop Sel 3
79 Keyboard Again Sel 3
7A Keyboard Undo Sel 3
7B Keyboard Cut Sel 3
7C Keyboard Copy Sel 3
7D Keyboard Paste Sel 3
7E Keyboard Find Sel 3
7F Keyboard Mute Sel 3
80 Keyboard Volume Up Sel 3
81 Keyboard Volume Down Sel 3
82 Keyboard Locking Caps Lock12 Sel 3
83 Keyboard Locking Num Lock12 Sel 3
84 Keyboard Locking Scroll Lock12 Sel 3
85 Keypad Comma13 Sel 107
86 Keypad Equal Sign14 Sel 3
87 Keyboard International115,16 Sel 56
88 Keyboard International217 Sel
89 Keyboard International318 Sel
8A Keyboard International419 Sel
8B Keyboard International520 Sel
8C Keyboard International621 Sel
8D Keyboard International722 Sel
8E Keyboard International823 Sel
8F Keyboard International923 Sel
90 Keyboard LANG124 Sel
91 Keyboard LANG225 Sel
92 Keyboard LANG326 Sel
93 Keyboard LANG427 Sel
94 Keyboard LANG528 Sel
95 Keyboard LANG629 Sel
96 Keyboard LANG729 Sel
97 Keyboard LANG829 Sel
98 Keyboard LANG929 Sel
99 Keyboard Alternate Erase30 Sel
9A Keyboard SysReq/Attention7 Sel
9B Keyboard Cancel Sel
9C Keyboard Clear Sel
9D Keyboard Prior Sel
9E Keyboard Return Sel
9F Keyboard Separator Sel
A0 Keyboard Out Sel
A1 Keyboard Oper Sel
A2 Keyboard Clear/Again Sel
A3 Keyboard CrSel/Props Sel
A4 Keyboard ExSel Sel
A5-AF Reserved
B0 Keypad 00 Sel
B1 Keypad 000 Sel
B2 Thousands Separator31 Sel
B3 Decimal Separator31 Sel
B4 Currency Unit32 Sel
B5 Currency Sub-unit32 Sel
B6 Keypad ( Sel
B7 Keypad ) Sel
B8 Keypad { Sel
B9 Keypad } Sel
BA Keypad Tab Sel
BB Keypad Backspace Sel
BC Keypad A Sel
BD Keypad B Sel
BE Keypad C Sel
BF Keypad D Sel
C0 Keypad E Sel
C1 Keypad F Sel
C2 Keypad XOR Sel
C3 Keypad ^ Sel
C4 Keypad % Sel
C5 Keypad < Sel
C6 Keypad > Sel
C7 Keypad & Sel
C8 Keypad && Sel
C9 Keypad | Sel
CA Keypad | | Sel
CB Keypad : Sel
CC Keypad # Sel
CD Keypad Space Sel
CE Keypad @ Sel
CF Keypad ! Sel
D0 Keypad Memory Store Sel
D1 Keypad Memory Recall Sel
D2 Keypad Memory Clear Sel
D3 Keypad Memory Add Sel
D4 Keypad Memory Subtract Sel
D5 Keypad Memory Multiply Sel
D6 Keypad Memory Divide Sel
D7 Keypad +/- Sel
D8 Keypad Clear Sel
D9 Keypad Clear Entry Sel
DA Keypad Binary Sel
DB Keypad Octal Sel
DC Keypad Decimal Sel
DD Keypad Hexadecimal Sel
DE-DF Reserved
E0 Keyboard LeftControl DV 58 3 3 3 4/101/104
E1 Keyboard LeftShift DV 44 3 3 3 4/101/104
E2 Keyboard LeftAlt DV 60 3 3 3 4/101/104
E3 Keyboard Left GUI11,33 DV 127 3 3 3 104
E4 Keyboard RightControl DV 64 3 3 3 101/104
E5 Keyboard RightShift DV 57 3 3 3 4/101/104
E6 Keyboard RightAlt DV 62 3 3 3 101/104
E7 Keyboard Right GUI11,34 DV 128 3 3 3 104
E8-FFFF Reserved
HID人机交互QQ群:564808376    UAC音频QQ群:218581009    UVC相机QQ群:331552032    BOT&UASP大容量存储QQ群:258159197    STC-USB单片机QQ群:315457461    USB技术交流QQ群2:580684376    USB技术交流QQ群:952873936   

0 篇笔记 写笔记

Keyboard/Keypad Page (0x07)
Usage IDUsage NameUsage TypeAT-101PC-ATMacUnixBoot00-00Reserved1Keyboard ErrorRollOver1SelN/A3334/101/1042Keyboar......
和鼠标的MOUSE_INPUT_DATA结构一样,键盘使用的是KEYBOARD_INPUT_DATA,并且这个不是HID键盘报告描述符定义的数据,而是系统转换后的数据。该结构体定义如下:typedef struct _KEYBOARD_INPUT_DATA { USHORT UnitId; ......
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