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UVC 术语

2020-10-21 8240 69


术语 说明
配置 USB设备上可选择的一个或多个接口的集合。
Configuration A collection of one or more interfaces that may be selected on a USB device.
控制 实体内的逻辑对象,用于操作该实体的特定属性。
Control A logical object within an Entity that is used to manipulate a specific property of that Entity.
CT 摄像机终端。
CT Camera terminal.
描述符 用于描述USB设备功能或特性的数据结构。
Descriptor Data structure used to describe a USB device capability or characteristic.
设备 USB外设。
Device USB peripheral.
端点 USB设备上的数据源或接收器。
Endpoint Source or sink of data on a USB device.
实体 视频功能中的一个单元、终端或接口,每一个都可以包含控件。
Entity A Unit, Terminal or Interface within the video function, each of which may contain Controls.
EOS 切片结束。视频帧头中的一个位标记,指示相关的视频有效载荷包含当前片中的最后一个位。
EOS End of Slice. A bit marker in the video frame header that indicates the associated video payload contains the last bit in the current Slice.
GUID 全局唯一标识符。也称为通用唯一标识符(UUID)。Microsoft的Guidgen.exe命令行程序用于创建GUID。Guidgen.exe从不生成同一个GUID两次,无论它运行了多少次,也不管它在多少台不同的计算机上运行。需要唯一标识的实体(如视频格式)具有一个GUID。请在www.microsoft.com上搜索有关GUIDs和Guidgen.exe的详细信息。
GUID Globally Unique Identifier. Also known as a universally unique identifier (UUID). The Guidgen.exe command line program from Microsoft is used to create a GUID. Guidgen.exe never produces the same GUID twice, no matter how many times it is run or how many different machines it runs on. Entities such as video formats that need to be uniquely identified have a GUID. Search www.microsoft.com for more information on GUIDs and Guidgen.exe.
HOST 安装主机控制器的计算机系统。
HOST Computer system where a Host Controller is installed.
主控制器 将主机连接到USB的硬件。
Host Controller Hardware that connects a Host to the USB.
主机软件 为设备提供操作系统支持的驱动程序、库和/或应用程序集合的总称。
Host Software Hardware that connects a Host to the USB.
IAD 接口关联描述符。这用于描述两个或多个接口与同一个函数关联。“关联”包括两个或多个接口及其所有备用设置接口。
IAD Interface Association Descriptor. This is used to describe that two or more interfaces are associated to the same function. An ‘association’ includes two or more interfaces and all of their alternate setting interfaces.
IDR 即时解码器刷新。一种I帧,其中在IDR帧之后没有帧可以依赖于IDR帧之前的帧。
接口 表示向主机提供功能的零个或多个终结点集合的实体。
Interface An Entity representing a collection of zero or more endpoints that present functionality to a Host.
IDR Instantaneous Decoder Refresh. An I-Frame where no frames after the IDR frame can rely on frames before the IDR frame.
IDR Instantaneous Decoder Refresh. An I-Frame where no frames after the IDR frame can rely on frames before the IDR frame.
IT 输入端子。
IT Input Terminal.
依赖层 与H.264规范和VP8有效负载规范中的依赖项表示相同。
Dependency Layer The same as dependency representation in the H.264 specification and in the VP8 payload specification.
多播流 两个或多个独立的视频流,源于通过单独的视频流接口发送的同一源(视频功能)。。
Multicast Streaming Two or more independent video streams originating from the same source (Video Function) sent over separate video streaming interfaces..
OT 输出端子。
OT Output Terminal.
有效载荷传输 在USB视频类的上下文中,有效负载传输是对大容量和等时端点通用的数据传输单元。每个有效载荷传输包括一个有效载荷报头,后跟有效载荷数据。对于等时端点,有效载荷传输包含在单个(微)帧期间传输的数据中:对于全速端点,高达1023字节;对于高速端点,高达1024字节;对于高速/高带宽端点,高达3072字节。对于大容量端点,有效负载传输包含在单个大容量传输(可能包含多个大容量数据事务)中传输的数据中。
Payload Transfer In the context of the USB Video Class, a Payload Transfer is a unit of data transfer common to bulk and isochronous endpoints. Each Payload Transfer includes a Payload Header followed by Payload Data. For isochronous endpoints, a Payload Transfer is contained in the data transmitted during a single (micro) frame: up to 1023 bytes for a full-speed endpoint; up to 1024 bytes for a high-speed endpoint; and up to 3072 bytes for a high-speed/high-bandwidth endpoint. For bulk endpoints, a Payload Transfer is contained in the data transmitted in a single bulk transfer (which may consist of multiple bulk data transactions).
有效载荷数据 格式化有效负载传输中包含的特定数据(不包括有效负载头(负载数据头))。
Payload Data Format-specific data contained in a Payload Transfer (excluding the Payload Header).
有效载荷头(负载数据头 在每个有效负载传输开始时提供数据帧和封装信息的报头。
Payload Header A header at the start of each Payload Transfer that provides data framing and encapsulation information.
PTS 演示时间戳。这是原始帧捕获开始时以本机设备时钟单位表示的源时钟时间。
PTS Presentation Time Stamp. This is the source clock time in native device clock units when the raw frame capture begins.
PU 处理单元。
PU Processing Unit.
请求 由视频功能支持的一种机制,用于宿主软件与实体内的控件交互。
Request A mechanism supported by the video function for the host software to interact with a Control within an Entity.
QP 量化参数。这是一个索引,用于导出视频编码的缩放矩阵。
QP Quantization Parameter. This is an index used to derive a scaling matrix for video encoding
样品转移 样本传输由表示视频样本的一个或多个有效载荷传输组成。
Sample Transfer A sample transfer is composed of one or more payload transfer(s) representing a video sample
SCR 。这是一个由两部分组成的值,包含(1)视频样本离开设备时的源时钟时间和(2)电流1kHz SOF计数器。
SCR Source Clock Reference. This is a two part value that contains (1) the source clock time when the video sample leaves the device and (2) the current 1 KHz SOF counter.
SEI H.264规范中定义的补充增强信息。
SEI Supplemental Enhancement Information as defined in the H.264 specification.
同播流 同播流是在单个视频流接口上传输的来自同一源的多个并发、独立编码的比特流。
SOF 开始帧。由USB主机每毫秒传输一次,SOF令牌包含一个11位增量帧号。
SOF Start of Frame. Transmitted by the USB host every millisecond, the SOF token contains an 11 bit incremental frame number.
STC 源时钟。控制视频(或相关)数据采样的数据源使用的时钟。
STC Source Time Clock. The clock used by the data source that governs the sampling of video (or related) data.
SU 选择单元。
SU Selector Unit.
TD 终端描述符。
TD Terminal Descriptor
终端 表示数据流入或流出视频功能的源(输入终端)或汇(输出终端)的实体。
Terminal An Entity representing a source (Input Terminal) or sink (Output Terminal) for data flowing into or out of a video function.
UD 单位描述符。
UD Unit Descriptor.
Unit 表示通过视频函数的数据转换的实体。
Unit An Entity representing a transformation of data flowing through a video function.
USB 通用串行总线。
USB Universal Serial Bus.
USB事务 参见USB2.0第5章。
USB Transaction See USB 2.0 Chapter 5.
USB传输 参见USB2.0第5章。
USB Transfer See USB 2.0 Chapter 5.
UVC USB Video Class.
VC 视频控制;指用于视频功能控制的接口。
VC VideoControl; refers to the interface used for video function control.
VIC 视频接口采集;是指在同一视频功能内,视频控制和视频流接口的采集。
VIC Video Interface Collection; refers to the collection of VideoControl and VideoStreaming interfaces within the same video function.
VS 视频流;指用于视频流传输的接口。
VS VideoStreaming; refers to the interface(s) used for video stream transport.
XU 扩展单元
XU Extension Unit.
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