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2021-10-27 6864 0





C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Include\10.0.18362.0\shared\usb.h


00 (USBD_STATUS_SUCCESS) Request was completed with success.
01 (USBD_STATUS_PENDING) Request is pending.
10 or 11 (USBD_STATUS_ERROR) Request was completed with an error.


代码 含义
USBD_STATUS_CRC 0xC0000001 CRC error (defined for backward compatibility with the USB 1.0).
USBD_STATUS_BTSTUFF 0xC0000002 BTS error (defined for backward compatibility with the USB 1.0).
USBD_STATUS_DATA_TOGGLE_MISMATCH 0xC0000003 Data toggle mismatch.
USBD_STATUS_STALL_PID 0xC0000004 The device returned a stall packet identifier (defined for backward compatibility with the USB 1.0)
USBD_STATUS_DEV_NOT_RESPONDING 0xC0000005 The device is not responding (defined for backward compatibility with the USB 1.0).
USBD_STATUS_PID_CHECK_FAILURE 0xC0000006 The device returned a packet identifier check failure (defined for backward compatibility with the USB 1.0).
USBD_STATUS_UNEXPECTED_PID 0xC0000007 The device returned an unexpected packet identifier error (defined for backward compatibility with the USB 1.0).
USBD_STATUS_DATA_OVERRUN 0xC0000008 The device returned a data overrun error (defined for backward compatibility with the USB 1.0).
USBD_STATUS_DATA_UNDERRUN 0xC0000009 The device returned a data underrun error (defined for backward compatibility with the USB 1.0).
USBD_STATUS_RESERVED1 0xC000000A Reserved.
USBD_STATUS_RESERVED2 0xC000000B Reserved.
USBD_STATUS_BUFFER_OVERRUN 0xC000000C The device returned a buffer overrun error (defined for backward compatibility with the USB 1.0).
USBD_STATUS_BUFFER_UNDERRUN 0xC000000D The device returned a buffer underrun error (defined for backward compatibility with the USB 1.0).
USBD_STATUS_NOT_ACCESSED 0xC000000F The USB stack could not access the device (defined for backward compatibility with the USB 1.0).
USBD_STATUS_FIFO 0xC0000010 The device returned a FIFO error (defined for backward compatibility with the USB 1.0).
USBD_STATUS_XACT_ERROR 0xC0000011 The device returned a transaction error (defined for backward compatibility with the USB 1.0).
USBD_STATUS_BABBLE_DETECTED 0xC0000012 The device returned a babble detected error (defined for backward compatibility with the USB 1.0).
USBD_STATUS_DATA_BUFFER_ERROR 0xC0000013 Hardware status codes that range from 0x00000001 to 0x000000FF (defined for backward compatibility with the USB 1.0 stack).
USBD_STATUS_NO_PING_RESPONSE 0xC0000014 No response was received from the device for a ping packet sent by the host.
USBD_STATUS_INVALID_STREAM_TYPE 0xC0000015 The stream type is invalid for the endpoint.
USBD_STATUS_INVALID_STREAM_ID 0xC0000016 The stream identifier is invalid.
USBD_STATUS_ENDPOINT_HALTED 0xC0000030 A transfer was submitted to an endpoint that is stalled.
USBD_STATUS_INVALID_URB_FUNCTION 0x80000200 Invalid URB function.
USBD_STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER 0x80000300 Invalid parameter.
USBD_STATUS_ERROR_BUSY 0x80000400 The client driver caused an error by attempting to close an endpoint, interface, or configuration handle with outstanding transfers.
USBD_STATUS_REQUEST_FAILED 0x80000500 The hub driver cannot complete a URB request.
USBD_STATUS_INVALID_PIPE_HANDLE 0x80000600 Invalid pipe handle.
USBD_STATUS_NO_BANDWIDTH 0x80000700 There was not enough bandwidth to open a requested endpoint.
USBD_STATUS_INTERNAL_HC_ERROR 0x80000900 Unspecified host controller error.
USBD_STATUS_ERROR_SHORT_TRANSFER 0x80000900 The transfer ended with a short packet, but the USBD_SHORT_TRANSFER_OK bit is not set for the pipe.
USBD_STATUS_BAD_START_FRAME 0xC0000A00 The requested start frame is not within a range of USBD_ISO_START_FRAME_RANGE frames of the current USB frame. Whenever this error occurs, the system sets the stall bit on the pipe.
USBD_STATUS_ISOCH_REQUEST_FAILED 0xC0000B00 The host controller returns this error whenever all packets in an isochronous transfer complete with an error.
USBD_STATUS_FRAME_CONTROL_OWNED 0xC0000C00 The hub driver returns this error whenever the frame length control for the host controller is being used by a driver other than the host controller driver.
USBD_STATUS_FRAME_CONTROL_NOT_OWNED 0xC0000D00 The hub driver returns this error if the caller does not own frame length control and attempts to release or modify the host controller frame length.
USBD_STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED 0xC0000E00 The request was not supported.
USBD_STATUS_INAVLID_CONFIGURATION_DESCRIPTOR 0xC0000F00 Invalid configuration descriptor.
USBD_STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES 0xC0001000 Insufficient resources.
USBD_STATUS_SET_CONFIG_FAILED 0xC0002000 An attempt to change the device configuration failed.
USBD_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL 0xC0003000 The buffer is too small.
USBD_STATUS_INTERFACE_NOT_FOUND 0xC0004000 The interface was not found.
USBD_STATUS_INAVLID_PIPE_FLAGS 0xC0005000 Invalid pipe flags.
USBD_STATUS_TIMEOUT 0xC0006000 The request timed out.
USBD_STATUS_DEVICE_GONE 0xC0007000 The device is no longer present in the system.
USBD_STATUS_STATUS_NOT_MAPPED 0xC0008000 The device bus address is not mapped to system memory.
USBD_STATUS_HUB_INTERNAL_ERROR 0xC0009000 The hub driver returns this error whenever it intercepted a URB that was targeted at some other device.
USBD_STATUS_CANCELED 0xC0010000 The USB stack reports this error whenever it completed a transfer because of an AbortPipe request from the client driver.
USBD_STATUS_ISO_NOT_ACCESSED_BY_HW 0xC0020000 The host controller did not access the transfer descriptor (TD) that is associated with this packet. The USB stack reports this error in the packet status field of an isochronous transfer packet.
USBD_STATUS_ISO_TD_ERROR 0xC0030000 The host controller reported an error in the transfer descriptor (TD). The USB stack reports this error in the packet status field of an isochronous transfer packet.
USBD_STATUS_ISO_NA_LATE_USBPORT 0xC0040000 The client driver submitted the packet on time, but the packet failed to reach the miniport driver on time. The USB stack reports this error in the packet status field of an isochronous transfer packet.
USBD_STATUS_ISO_NOT_ACCESSED_LATE 0xC0050000 The client driver did not submit the packet on time. The USB stack reports this error in the packet status field of an isochronous transfer packet.
USBD_STATUS_BAD_DESCRIPTOR 0xC0100000 Invalid descriptor.
USBD_STATUS_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_BLEN 0xC0100001 Invalid descriptor length.
USBD_STATUS_BAD_DESCRIPTOR_TYPE 0xC0100002 Invalid descriptor type.
USBD_STATUS_BAD_INTERFACE_DESCRIPTOR 0xC0100003 Invalid interface descriptor.
USBD_STATUS_BAD_ENDPOINT_DESCRIPTOR 0xC0100004 Invalid endpoint descriptor.
USBD_STATUS_BAD_INTERFACE_ASSOC_DESCRIPTOR 0xC0100005 Invalid interface association descriptor.
USBD_STATUS_BAD_CONFIG_DESC_LENGTH 0xC0100006 Invalid configuration descriptor length.
USBD_STATUS_BAD_NUMBER_OF_INTERFACES 0xC0100007 Invalid number of interfaces.
USBD_STATUS_BAD_NUMBER_OF_ENDPOINTS 0xC0100008 Invalid number of endpoints.
USBD_STATUS_BAD_ENDPOINT_ADDRESS 0xC0100009 Invalid endpoint address.
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0 篇笔记 写笔记

UVC PTZ和扩展单元XU的过滤与分发调试笔记
BUSHOUND抓包stall pid的USTS c0000004错误
对USB设备进行数据分析,使用最多的也就是BUSHOUND了,不过经常遇到一个问题就是 USTS c0000004 stall pid 错误。USTS c0000004 stall pid在本站中搜......
下午,USB中文网技术交流群里的一个同学,说他的HID设备时好时不好的,有时会花很长的时间才能枚举成功。没有抓包,没的截图…我是一顿乱扯,从硬件电路到各种抓包方法….晚上11点,这位同学发来了BUSHOUND抓的包,打开一看:Device Length Phase Data ......
在Windows操作系统下开发USB设备驱动程序,或者分析USB设备固件通讯的时候,难免遇到一个错误信息,其中一项重要的数据条目就是USTS的显示。如:Device Phase Data Description Cmd.Phase.......
通过BUSHOUND抓包内容为: 16.0 CTL 80 06 00 02 00 00 20 00 GET DESCRIPTOR 336us 16.0 32 IN 09 02 20 00 ......
USBD_STATUS_STALL_PID错误经常出现在USB抓包过程中。特别是以BUSHOUND为代表的Windows抓包工具。如: 31.1 RESET 31.1 ......
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