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USB 设备功能描述符(Device Capability Descriptor)

2023-03-02 2551 0

设备功能描述符(Device Capability Descriptor)是用于存储特定某项技术或设备功能信息的描述符,和BOS描述符(BOS Descriptor)一起由Wireless Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 1.0规范引入,之后在USB 2.0 ECN: Link Power Management (LPM) 、USB3.x Specification、Microsoft OS 2.0 Descriptors Specification 等协议规范都加入了定义。

单个的特定技术或者通用的设备层级的功能通过设备功能描述符(Device Capability Descriptor)来上报。设备功能描述符(Device Capability Descriptor)总是作为GetDescriptor(BOS)请求返回的BOS信息的一部分返回。主机端不能单独读取单个的设备功能描述符(Device Capability Descriptor),无法使用GetDescriptor()或SetDescriptor()请求直接读取或设置单独的设备功能,只能通过GetDescriptor()请求获取BOS描述符(BOS Descriptor)并通过wTotalLength字段得到长度来读取整个描述符集。

设备功能描述符(Device Capability Descriptor)具有通用头(generic header),带有子类型字段(bDevCapabilityType),这个字段定义了描述符其余部分的布局(layout)。

Offset Field Size Value Description
0 bLength 1 Number 以字节为单位的描述符大小
1 bDescriptorType 1 Constant 设备功能描述符类型
2 bDevCapabilityType 1 Number 设备功能类型
3 Capability-Dependent Var Variable 特定功能的格式
  • bLength以字节为单位的描述符大小。
  • bDescriptorType设备功能描述符类型,为DEVICE CAPABILITY(0x10)。
  • bDevCapabilityType 设备功能类型。
Capability Code Value Description Specification
Wireless_USB 01H 定义一组特定于无线USB的设备级功能 Wireless Universal Serial Bus Specification
USB 2.0 EXTENSION 02H USB2.0拓展描述符 Universal Serial Bus 3.x Specification
SUPERSPEED_USB 03H 定义一组特定于超高速USB的设备级功能 Universal Serial Bus 3.x Specification
CONTAINER_ID 04H 定义用于在所有操作模式下标识实例的实例唯一ID Universal Serial Bus 3.x Specification
PLATFORM 05H 定义特定于特定平台/操作系统的设备功能 Microsoft OS 2.0 Descriptors SpecificationUniversal Serial Bus 3.x Specification
POWER_DELIVERY_CAPABILITY 06H 定义此设备的各种PD功能 Universal Serial Bus Power Delivery Specification
BATTERY_INFO_CAPABILITY 07H 提供设备支持的每个电池的信息 Universal Serial Bus Power Delivery Specification
PD_CONSUMER_PORT_CAPABILITY 08H 描述功耗特性和功能 Universal Serial Bus Power Delivery Specification
PD_PROVIDER_PORT_CAPABILITY 09H 描述电源提供特性和功能 Universal Serial Bus Power Delivery Specification
SUPERSPEED_PLUS 0AH 定义一组特定于SuperSpeed Plus USB设备级的功能 Universal Serial Bus 3.x Specification
PRECISION_TIME_MEASUREMENT 0BH 精密时间测量(PTM)功能描述符 Universal Serial Bus 3.x Specification
Wireless_USB_Ext 0CH 定义一组特定于无线USB 1.1的设备级功能
BILLBOARD 0DH Billboard capability
AUTHENTICATION 0EH Authentication Capability Descriptor
BILLBOARD_EX 0FH Billboard Ex capability
CONFIGURATION SUMMARY 10H 汇总设备实现的功能的配置信息 Universal Serial Bus 3.x Specification
Reserved 00H, 11-FFH 保留供将来使用注意:最新的设备功能类型代码(Device Capability Type Codes)将在usb.org上列出。

Wireless USB 1.x Device Capability Descriptor

Offset Field Size Value Description
0 bLength 1 Number Size of this descriptor.
1 bDescriptorType 1 Constant Descriptor type: DEVICE CAPABILITY Type.
2 bDevCapabilityType 1 Number Valid values are listed in Table 7-24.
3 Capability-Dependent Var Variable Capability-specific format.

Wireless USB 1.0 Device Capability Type Codes

Capability Code Value Description
Wireless_USB 01H Defines the set of Wireless USB-specific device level capabilities.
Reserved 00H, 02-FFH Reserved for future use.

Wireless USB 1.1 Device Capability Type Codes

Capability Code Value Description
Wireless_USB 01H Defines the set of Wireless USB-specific device level capabilities.
Wireless_USB_Ext 02H Defines the set of Wireless USB 1.1-specific device levelcapabilities.
Reserved 00H, 03-FFH Reserved for future use.

USB 3.x Device Capability Descriptor

Offset Field Size Value Description
0 bLength 1 Number Size of this descriptor.
1 bDescriptorType 1 Constant Descriptor type: DEVICE CAPABILITY Type.
2 bDevCapabilityType 1 Number Valid values are listed in Table 9-14.
3 Capability-Dependent Var Variable Capability-specific format.

USB 3.0 Device Capability Type Codes

Capability Code Value Description
Wireless_USB 01H Defines the set of Wireless USB-specific device level capabilities
USB 2.0 EXTENSION 02H USB 2.0 Extension Descriptor
SUPERSPEED_USB 03H Defines the set of SuperSpeed USB specific device level capabilities
CONTAINER_ID 04H Defines the instance unique ID used to identify the instance across all operating modes
Reserved 00H, 05-FFH Reserved for future use

USB 3.1 Device Capability Type Codes

Capability Code Value Description
Wireless_USB 01H Defines the set of Wireless USB-specific device level capabilities
USB 2.0 EXTENSION 02H USB 2.0 Extension Descriptor
SUPERSPEED_USB 03H Defines the set of SuperSpeed USB specific device level capabilities
CONTAINER_ID 04H Defines the instance unique ID used to identify the instance across all operating modes
PLATFORM 05H Defines a device capability specific to a particular platform/operating system
POWER_DELIVERY_CAPABILITY 06H Defines the various PD Capabilities of this device
BATTERY_INFO_CAPABILITY 07H Provides information on each battery supported by the device
PD_CONSUMER_PORT_CAPABILITY 08H The consumer characteristics of a port on the device
PD_PROVIDER_PORT_CAPABILITY 09H The provider characteristics of a port on the device
SUPERSPEED_PLUS 0AH Defines the set of SuperSpeed Plus USB specific device level capabilities
PRECISION_TIME_MEASUREMENT 0BH Precision Time Measurement (PTM) Capability Descriptor
Wireless_USB_Ext 0CH Defines the set of Wireless USB 1.1-specific device level capabilities
Reserved 00H, 0D-FFH Reserved for future use

USB 3.2 Device Capability Type Codes

Capability Code Value Description
Wireless_USB 01H Defines the set of Wireless USB-specific device level capabilities
USB 2.0 EXTENSION 02H USB 2.0 Extension Descriptor
SUPERSPEED_USB 03H Defines the set of SuperSpeed USB specific device level capabilities
CONTAINER_ID 04H Defines the instance unique ID used to identify the instance across all operating modes
PLATFORM 05H Defines a device capability specific to a particular platform/operating system
POWER_DELIVERY_CAPABILITY 06H Defines the various PD Capabilities of this device
BATTERY_INFO_CAPABILITY 07H Provides information on each battery supported by the device
PD_CONSUMER_PORT_CAPABILITY 08H The consumer characteristics of a port on the device
PD_PROVIDER_PORT_CAPABILITY 09H The provider characteristics of a port on the device
SUPERSPEED_PLUS 0AH Defines the set of SuperSpeed Plus USB specific device level capabilities
PRECISION_TIME_MEASUREMENT 0BH Precision Time Measurement (PTM) Capability Descriptor
Wireless_USB_Ext 0CH Defines the set of Wireless USB 1.1-specific device level capabilities
BILLBOARD 0DH Billboard capability
AUTHENTICATION 0EH Authentication Capability Descriptor
BILLBOARD_EX 0FH Billboard Ex capability
CONFIGURATION SUMMARY 10H Summarizes configuration information for a function implemented by the device
Reserved 00H, 11-FFH Reserved for future useNote: The most up-to-date Device Capability Type Codes will be listed on

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USB 设备功能描述符(Device Capability Descriptor)
设备功能描述符(Device Capability Descriptor)是用于存储特定某项技术或设备功能信息的描述符,和BOS描述符(BOS Descriptor)一起由Wireless Universal Serial Bus Specification Revision 1.0规范引入,之后在......
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