MJPG 3840X2160X30
=========================== USB Port20 ===========================
Connection Status : 0x01 (Device is connected)
Port Chain : 1-20
Properties : 0x03
IsUserConnectable : yes
PortIsDebugCapable : yes
PortHasMultiCompanions : no
PortConnectorIsTypeC : no
ConnectionIndex : 20
CompanionIndex : 0
CompanionHubSymLnk : USB#ROOT_HUB30#4&31789dfb&0&0#{f18a0e88-c30c-11d0-8815-00a0c906bed8}
CompanionPortNumber : 9
-> CompanionPortChain : 1-9
======================== USB Device ========================
+++++++++++++++++ Device Information ++++++++++++++++++
Device Description : USB Composite Device
Device Path : \\?\USB#VID_33F1&PID_1035#5&1f3e3f24&0&20#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed} (GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_DEVICE)
Kernel Name : \Device\USBPDO-1
Device ID : USB\VID_33F1&PID_1035\5&1F3E3F24&0&20
Hardware IDs : USB\VID_33F1&PID_1035&REV_0409 USB\VID_33F1&PID_1035
Driver KeyName : {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}\0005 (GUID_DEVCLASS_USB)
Driver : \SystemRoot\System32\drivers\usbccgp.sys (Version: 10.0.14393.1794 Date: 2017-10-09)
Driver Inf : C:\Windows\inf\usb.inf
Legacy BusType : PNPBus
Class : USB
Class GUID : {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000} (GUID_DEVCLASS_USB)
Service : usbccgp
Enumerator : USB
Location Info : Port_#0020.Hub_#0001
Container ID : {5a8ef11f-6033-11ef-b64d-806e6f6e6963}
Manufacturer Info : (Standard USB Host Controller)
Capabilities : 0x84 (Removable, SurpriseRemovalOK)
Problem Code : 0
Address : 20
HcDisableSelectiveSuspend: 0
EnableSelectiveSuspend : 0
SelectiveSuspendEnabled : 0
EnhancedPowerMgmtEnabled : 0
IdleInWorkingState : 0
WakeFromSleepState : 0
Power State : D0 (supported: D0, D3, wake from D0)
Child Device 1 : UHD Camera
Device Path : \\?\USB#VID_33F1&PID_1035&MI_00#6&1c58f087&2&0000#{6cfd2a07-7437-42c7-9f6e-2c87fc19a65c}
Kernel Name : \Device\0000003e
Device ID : USB\VID_33F1&PID_1035&MI_00\6&1C58F087&2&0000
Class : USB
Driver KeyName : {36fc9e60-c465-11cf-8056-444553540000}\0026 (GUID_DEVCLASS_USB)
Service : MRCamera
Child Device 1 : DTEN Camera (USB Video Device)
Device Path 1 : \\?\USB#VID_351E&PID_0265&REV_0409&MI_01#HWLLOWORLD#{65e8773d-8f56-11d0-a3b9-00a0c9223196}\global (AM_KSCATEGORY_CAPTURE)
Device Path 2 : \\?\USB#VID_351E&PID_0265&REV_0409&MI_01#HWLLOWORLD#{6994ad05-93ef-11d0-a3cc-00a0c9223196}\global (AM_KSCATEGORY_VIDEO)
Device Path 3 : \\?\USB#VID_351E&PID_0265&REV_0409&MI_01#HWLLOWORLD#{e5323777-f976-4f5b-9b55-b94699c46e44}\global (STATIC_KSCATEGORY_VIDEO_CAMERA)
Device Path 4 : \\?\USB#VID_351E&PID_0265&REV_0409&MI_01#HWLLOWORLD#{a5dcbf10-6530-11d2-901f-00c04fb951ed} (GUID_DEVINTERFACE_USB_DEVICE)
Kernel Name : \Device\0000003f
Device ID : USB\VID_351E&PID_0265&REV_0409&MI_01\HWLLOWORLD
Class : Image
Driver KeyName : {6bdd1fc6-810f-11d0-bec7-08002be2092f}\0006 (GUID_DEVCLASS_IMAGE)
Service : usbvideo
+++++++++++++++++ Registry USB Flags +++++++++++++++++
osvc : REG_BINARY 00 00
NewInterfaceUsage : REG_DWORD 00000000 (0)
---------------- Connection Information ---------------
Connection Index : 0x14 (20)
Connection Status : 0x01 (DeviceConnected)
Current Config Value : 0x01
Device Address : 0x02 (2)
Is Hub : 0x00 (no)
Device Bus Speed : 0x02 (High-Speed) -> not true, see below in Connection Information V2
Number Of Open Pipes : 0x02 (2 pipes to data endpoints)
Pipe[0] : EndpointID=4 Direction=IN ScheduleOffset=0 Type=Interrupt
Pipe[1] : EndpointID=1 Direction=IN ScheduleOffset=0 Type=Bulk
Data (HexDump) : 14 00 00 00 12 01 10 03 EF 02 01 09 F1 33 35 10 .............35.
09 04 01 02 00 01 01 02 00 02 00 02 00 00 00 01 ................
00 00 00 07 05 84 03 10 00 08 00 00 00 00 07 05 ................
81 02 00 04 00 00 00 00 00 .........
--------------- Connection Information V2 -------------
Connection Index : 0x14 (20)
Length : 0x10 (16 bytes)
SupportedUsbProtocols : 0x04
Usb110 : 0 (no)
Usb200 : 0 (no)
Usb300 : 1 (yes)
ReservedMBZ : 0x00
Flags : 0x03
DevIsOpAtSsOrHigher : 1 (Is operating at SuperSpeed or higher)
DevIsSsCapOrHigher : 1 (Is SuperSpeed capable or higher)
DevIsOpAtSsPlusOrHigher : 0 (Is not operating at SuperSpeedPlus or higher)
DevIsSsPlusCapOrHigher : 0 (Is not SuperSpeedPlus capable or higher)
ReservedMBZ : 0x00
Data (HexDump) : 14 00 00 00 10 00 00 00 04 00 00 00 03 00 00 00 ................
---------------------- Device Descriptor ----------------------
bLength : 0x12 (18 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x01 (Device Descriptor)
bcdUSB : 0x310 (USB Version 3.10)
bDeviceClass : 0xEF (Miscellaneous)
bDeviceSubClass : 0x02
bDeviceProtocol : 0x01 (IAD - Interface Association Descriptor)
bMaxPacketSize0 : 0x09 (9 bytes)
idVendor : 0x33F1
idProduct : 0x1035
bcdDevice : 0x0409
iManufacturer : 0x01 (String Descriptor 1)
Language 0x0409 : "Linux Foundation"
iProduct : 0x02 (String Descriptor 2)
Language 0x0409 : "UHD Camera"
iSerialNumber : 0x00 (No String Descriptor)
bNumConfigurations : 0x01 (1 Configuration)
Data (HexDump) : 12 01 10 03 EF 02 01 09 F1 33 35 10 09 04 01 02 .........35.....
00 01 ..
------------------ Configuration Descriptor -------------------
bLength : 0x09 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x02 (Configuration Descriptor)
wTotalLength : 0x095C (2396 bytes)
bNumInterfaces : 0x02 (2 Interfaces)
bConfigurationValue : 0x01 (Configuration 1)
iConfiguration : 0x04 (String Descriptor 4)
Language 0x0409 : "Video"
bmAttributes : 0xC0
D7: Reserved, set 1 : 0x01
D6: Self Powered : 0x01 (yes)
D5: Remote Wakeup : 0x00 (no)
D4..0: Reserved, set 0 : 0x00
MaxPower : 0x00 (0 mA)
Data (HexDump) : 09 02 5C 09 02 01 04 C0 00 08 0B 00 02 0E 03 00 ..\.............
05 09 04 00 00 01 0E 01 00 05 0D 24 01 00 01 71 ...........$...q
00 00 6C DC 02 01 01 12 24 02 01 01 02 00 00 00 ..l.....$.......
00 00 00 00 00 03 0E 1E 00 0B 24 05 02 01 00 40 ..........$....@
02 7F 17 00 1F 24 06 03 41 76 9E A2 04 DE E3 47 .....$..Av.....G
8B 2B F4 34 1A FF 00 3B 0E 01 02 06 FF FF FF FF .+.4...;........
FF FF 00 1F 24 06 04 F2 5D BD A8 98 1A 4E 47 8D ....$...]....NG.
D0 D9 26 72 D1 94 FA 06 01 03 06 FF FF FF FF FF ..&r............
FF 00 09 24 03 07 01 01 00 04 00 07 05 84 03 10 ...$............
00 08 06 30 00 00 10 00 05 25 03 10 00 09 04 01 ...0.....%......
00 01 0E 02 00 06 12 24 01 05 A9 08 81 00 07 02 .......$........
00 00 01 00 04 04 04 00 1C 24 10 01 0E 48 32 36 .........$...H26
34 00 00 10 00 80 00 00 AA 00 38 9B 71 10 0E 00 4.........8.q...
00 00 00 01 32 24 11 01 00 80 02 E0 01 00 08 2E ....2$..........
06 00 70 6A 07 15 16 05 00 06 00 00 00 00 15 16 ..pj............
05 00 80 1A 06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 ...... ...*,..@B
0F 00 80 84 1E 00 32 24 11 02 00 40 01 F0 00 00 ......2$...@....
08 2E 06 00 70 6A 07 15 16 05 00 06 00 00 00 00 ....pj..........
15 16 05 00 80 1A 06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 ........ ...*,..
40 42 0F 00 80 84 1E 00 32 24 11 03 00 60 01 20 @B......2$...`.
01 00 08 2E 06 00 70 6A 07 15 16 05 00 06 00 00 ......pj........
00 00 15 16 05 00 80 1A 06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C .......... ...*,
0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 1E 00 32 24 11 04 00 D0 ..@B......2$....
02 E0 01 00 E0 A5 01 00 40 E3 09 15 16 05 00 06 ........@.......
00 00 00 00 15 16 05 00 80 1A 06 00 20 A1 07 00 ............ ...
2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 1E 00 32 24 11 05 *,..@B......2$..
00 D0 02 40 02 00 08 2E 06 00 70 6A 07 15 16 05 ...@......pj....
00 06 00 00 00 00 15 16 05 00 80 1A 06 00 20 A1 .............. .
07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 1E 00 32 24 ..*,..@B......2$
11 06 00 20 03 C0 01 00 08 2E 06 00 70 6A 07 15 ... ........pj..
16 05 00 06 00 00 00 00 15 16 05 00 80 1A 06 00 ................
20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 1E 00 ...*,..@B......
32 24 11 07 00 20 03 58 02 00 08 2E 06 00 70 6A 2$... .X......pj
07 15 16 05 00 06 00 00 00 00 15 16 05 00 80 1A ................
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 32 24 11 08 00 C0 03 1C 02 00 08 2E 06 00 ..2$............
70 6A 07 15 16 05 00 06 00 00 00 00 15 16 05 00 pj..............
80 1A 06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 .... ...*,..@B..
80 84 1E 00 32 24 11 09 00 00 04 40 02 00 08 2E ....2$.....@....
06 00 70 6A 07 15 16 05 00 06 00 00 00 00 15 16 ..pj............
05 00 80 1A 06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 ...... ...*,..@B
0F 00 80 84 1E 00 32 24 11 0A 00 00 05 D0 02 00 ......2$........
00 65 04 00 00 5E 1A 15 16 05 00 06 00 00 00 00 .e...^..........
15 16 05 00 80 1A 06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 ........ ...*,..
40 42 0F 00 80 84 1E 00 32 24 11 0B 00 40 06 80 @B......2$...@..
03 00 08 2E 06 00 70 6A 07 15 16 05 00 06 00 00 ......pj........
00 00 15 16 05 00 80 1A 06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C .......... ...*,
0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 1E 00 32 24 11 0C 00 80 ..@B......2$....
07 38 04 00 40 E3 09 00 40 70 31 15 16 05 00 06 .8..@...@p1.....
00 00 00 00 15 16 05 00 80 1A 06 00 20 A1 07 00 ............ ...
2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 1E 00 32 24 11 0D *,..@B......2$..
00 00 0A A0 05 00 00 28 23 00 00 78 69 15 16 05 .......(#..xi...
00 06 00 00 00 00 15 16 05 00 80 1A 06 00 20 A1 .............. .
07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 1E 00 32 24 ..*,..@B......2$
11 0E 00 00 0F 70 08 00 00 1A 4F 00 00 1A 4F 80 .....p....O...O.
1A 06 00 06 00 00 00 00 15 16 05 00 80 1A 06 00 ................
20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 1E 00 ...*,..@B......
0B 24 06 02 0E 00 0C 00 00 00 00 32 24 07 01 00 .$.........2$...
80 02 E0 01 00 00 77 01 00 00 CA 08 00 60 09 00 ......w......`..
15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A 06 00 20 A1 07 ............. ..
00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 1E 00 32 24 07 .*,..@B......2$.
02 00 40 01 F0 00 00 C0 5D 00 00 80 32 02 00 58 ..@.....]...2..X
02 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A 06 00 20 ...............
A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 1E 00 32 ...*,..@B......2
24 07 03 00 60 01 20 01 00 C0 7B 00 00 80 E6 02 $...`. ...{.....
00 18 03 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A 06 ................
00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 1E . ...*,..@B.....
00 32 24 07 04 00 D0 02 E0 01 00 E0 A5 01 00 40 .2$............@
E3 09 00 8C 0A 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 ................
1A 06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 ... ...*,..@B...
84 1E 00 32 24 07 05 00 D0 02 40 02 00 40 FA 01 ...2$.....@..@..
00 80 DD 0B 00 A8 0C 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 ................
00 80 1A 06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F ..... ...*,..@B.
00 80 84 1E 00 32 24 07 06 00 20 03 C0 01 00 80 .....2$... .....
B5 01 00 00 41 0A 00 F0 0A 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 ....A...........
16 05 00 80 1A 06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 ....... ...*,..@
42 0F 00 80 84 1E 00 32 24 07 07 00 20 03 58 02 B......2$... .X.
00 F0 49 02 00 A0 BB 0D 00 A6 0E 00 15 16 05 00 ..I.............
06 15 16 05 00 80 1A 06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A ......... ...*,.
00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 1E 00 32 24 07 08 00 C0 03 .@B......2$.....
1C 02 00 10 5C 0C 00 E0 D4 0E 00 D2 0F 00 15 16 ....\...........
05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A 06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A ........... ...*
2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 1E 00 32 24 07 09 00 ,..@B......2$...
00 04 40 02 00 00 D0 02 00 00 E0 10 00 00 12 00 ..@.............
15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A 06 00 20 A1 07 ............. ..
00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 1E 00 32 24 07 .*,..@B......2$.
0A 00 00 05 D0 02 00 00 65 04 00 00 5E 1A 00 20 ........e...^..
1C 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A 06 00 20 ...............
A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 1E 00 32 ...*,..@B......2
24 07 0B 00 40 06 80 03 00 00 D6 06 00 00 04 29 $...@..........)
00 C0 2B 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A 06 ..+.............
00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 1E . ...*,..@B.....
00 32 24 07 0C 00 80 07 38 04 00 40 E3 09 00 40 .2$.....8..@...@
70 31 00 48 3F 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 p1.H?...........
1A 06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 ... ...*,..@B...
84 1E 00 32 24 07 0D 00 00 0A A0 05 00 00 28 23 ...2$.........(#
00 00 78 69 00 80 70 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 ..xi..p.........
00 80 1A 06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F ..... ...*,..@B.
00 80 84 1E 00 32 24 07 0E 00 00 0F 70 08 00 00 .....2$.....p...
1A 4F 00 00 1A 4F 00 20 FD 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 .O...O. ........
16 05 00 80 1A 06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 ....... ...*,..@
42 0F 00 80 84 1E 00 1B 24 04 03 07 4E 56 31 32 B.......$...NV12
00 00 10 00 80 00 00 AA 00 38 9B 71 0C 07 00 00 .........8.q....
00 00 32 24 05 01 00 80 02 E0 01 00 00 77 01 00 ..2$.........w..
00 CA 08 00 60 09 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 ....`...........
80 1A 06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 .... ...*,..@B..
80 84 1E 00 32 24 05 02 00 40 01 B4 00 00 50 46 ....2$...@....PF
00 00 E0 A5 01 00 C2 01 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 ................
05 00 80 1A 06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 ...... ...*,..@B
0F 00 80 84 1E 00 32 24 05 03 00 20 03 C0 01 00 ......2$... ....
80 B5 01 00 00 41 0A 00 F0 0A 00 15 16 05 00 06 .....A..........
15 16 05 00 80 1A 06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 ........ ...*,..
40 42 0F 00 80 84 1E 00 32 24 05 04 00 20 03 58 @B......2$... .X
02 00 F0 49 02 00 A0 BB 0D 00 A6 0E 00 15 16 05 ...I............
00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A 06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C .......... ...*,
0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 1E 00 32 24 05 05 00 00 ..@B......2$....
04 40 02 00 00 D0 02 00 00 E0 10 00 00 12 00 15 .@..............
16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A 06 00 20 A1 07 00 ............ ...
2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 1E 00 32 24 05 06 *,..@B......2$..
00 00 05 D0 02 00 00 65 04 00 00 5E 1A 00 20 1C .......e...^.. .
00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A 06 00 20 A1 .............. .
07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 1E 00 32 24 ..*,..@B......2$
05 07 00 80 07 38 04 00 40 E3 09 00 80 53 3B 00 .....8..@....S;.
48 3F 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A 06 00 H?..............
20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 1E 00 ...*,..@B......
1B 24 04 04 07 59 55 59 32 00 00 10 00 80 00 00 .$...YUY2.......
AA 00 38 9B 71 10 07 00 00 00 00 32 24 05 01 00 ..8.q......2$...
80 02 E0 01 00 00 77 01 00 00 CA 08 00 60 09 00 ......w......`..
15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A 06 00 20 A1 07 ............. ..
00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 1E 00 32 24 05 .*,..@B......2$.
02 00 40 01 B4 00 00 50 46 00 00 E0 A5 01 00 C2 ..@....PF.......
01 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A 06 00 20 ...............
A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 1E 00 32 ...*,..@B......2
24 05 03 00 20 03 C0 01 00 80 B5 01 00 00 41 0A $... .........A.
00 F0 0A 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A 06 ................
00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 1E . ...*,..@B.....
00 32 24 05 04 00 20 03 58 02 00 F0 49 02 00 A0 .2$... .X...I...
BB 0D 00 A6 0E 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 ................
1A 06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 ... ...*,..@B...
84 1E 00 32 24 05 05 00 00 04 40 02 00 00 D0 02 ...2$.....@.....
00 00 E0 10 00 00 12 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 ................
00 80 1A 06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F ..... ...*,..@B.
00 80 84 1E 00 32 24 05 06 00 00 05 D0 02 00 00 .....2$.........
65 04 00 00 5E 1A 00 20 1C 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 e...^.. ........
16 05 00 80 1A 06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 ....... ...*,..@
42 0F 00 80 84 1E 00 32 24 05 07 00 80 07 38 04 B......2$.....8.
00 40 E3 09 00 80 53 3B 00 48 3F 00 15 16 05 00 .@....S;.H?.....
06 15 16 05 00 80 1A 06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A ......... ...*,.
00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 1E 00 06 24 0D 01 01 04 07 .@B.......$.....
05 81 02 00 04 00 06 30 0F 00 00 00 .......0....
------------------- IAD Descriptor --------------------
bLength : 0x08 (8 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x0B
bFirstInterface : 0x00
bInterfaceCount : 0x02
bFunctionClass : 0x0E (Video)
bFunctionSubClass : 0x03 (Video Interface Collection)
bFunctionProtocol : 0x00 (PC_PROTOCOL_UNDEFINED protocol)
iFunction : 0x05 (String Descriptor 5)
Language 0x0409 : "UHD Camera"
Data (HexDump) : 08 0B 00 02 0E 03 00 05 ........
---------------- Interface Descriptor -----------------
bLength : 0x09 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x04 (Interface Descriptor)
bInterfaceNumber : 0x00
bAlternateSetting : 0x00
bNumEndpoints : 0x01 (1 Endpoint)
bInterfaceClass : 0x0E (Video)
bInterfaceSubClass : 0x01 (Video Control)
bInterfaceProtocol : 0x00
iInterface : 0x05 (String Descriptor 5)
Language 0x0409 : "UHD Camera"
Data (HexDump) : 09 04 00 00 01 0E 01 00 05 .........
------- Video Control Interface Header Descriptor -----
bLength : 0x0D (13 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Control Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x01 (Video Control Header)
bcdUVC : 0x0100 (UVC Version 1.00)
wTotalLength : 0x0071 (113 bytes)
dwClockFreq : 0x02DC6C00 (48 MHz)
bInCollection : 0x01 (1 VideoStreaming interface)
baInterfaceNr[1] : 0x01
Data (HexDump) : 0D 24 01 00 01 71 00 00 6C DC 02 01 01 .$...q..l....
-------- Video Control Input Terminal Descriptor ------
bLength : 0x12 (18 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Control Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x02 (Input Terminal)
bTerminalID : 0x01
wTerminalType : 0x0201 (ITT_CAMERA)
bAssocTerminal : 0x00 (Not associated with an Output Terminal)
iTerminal : 0x00
Camera Input Terminal Data:
wObjectiveFocalLengthMin : 0x0000
wObjectiveFocalLengthMax : 0x0000
wOcularFocalLength : 0x0000
bControlSize : 0x03
bmControls : 0x0E, 0x1E, 0x00
D0 : 0 no - Scanning Mode
D1 : 1 yes - Auto-Exposure Mode
D2 : 1 yes - Auto-Exposure Priority
D3 : 1 yes - Exposure Time (Absolute)
D4 : 0 no - Exposure Time (Relative)
D5 : 0 no - Focus (Absolute)
D6 : 0 no - Focus (Relative)
D7 : 0 no - Iris (Absolute)
D8 : 0 no - Iris (Relative)
D9 : 1 yes - Zoom (Absolute)
D10 : 1 yes - Zoom (Relative)
D11 : 1 yes - Pan (Absolute)
D12 : 1 yes - Pan (Relative)
D13 : 0 no - Roll (Absolute)
D14 : 0 no - Roll (Relative)
D15 : 0 no - Tilt (Absolute)
D16 : 0 no - Tilt (Relative)
D17 : 0 no - Focus Auto
D18 : 0 no - Reserved
D19 : 0 no - Reserved
D20 : 0 no - Reserved
D21 : 0 no - Reserved
D22 : 0 no - Reserved
D23 : 0 no - Reserved
Data (HexDump) : 12 24 02 01 01 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 0E .$..............
1E 00 ..
-------- Video Control Processing Unit Descriptor -----
bLength : 0x0B (11 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Control Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x05 (Processing Unit)
bUnitID : 0x02
bSourceID : 0x01
wMaxMultiplier : 0x4000 (163.84x Zoom)
bControlSize : 0x02
bmControls : 0x7F, 0x17
D0 : 1 yes - Brightness
D1 : 1 yes - Contrast
D2 : 1 yes - Hue
D3 : 1 yes - Saturation
D4 : 1 yes - Sharpness
D5 : 1 yes - Gamma
D6 : 1 yes - White Balance Temperature
D7 : 0 no - White Balance Component
D8 : 1 yes - Backlight Compensation
D9 : 1 yes - Gain
D10 : 1 yes - Power Line Frequency
D11 : 0 no - Hue, Auto
D12 : 1 yes - White Balance Temperature, Auto
D13 : 0 no - White Balance Component, Auto
D14 : 0 no - Digital Multiplier
D15 : 0 no - Digital Multiplier Limit
iProcessing : 0x00
Data (HexDump) : 0B 24 05 02 01 00 40 02 7F 17 00 .$....@....
--------- Video Control Extension Unit Descriptor -----
bLength : 0x1F (31 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Control Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x06 (Extension Unit)
bUnitID : 0x03
guidExtensionCode : {A29E7641-DE04-47E3-8B2B-F4341AFF003B}
bNumControls : 0x0E
bNrInPins : 0x01 (1 pins)
baSourceID[1] : 0x02
bControlSize : 0x06
bmControls : 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
D0 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D1 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D2 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D3 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D4 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D5 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D6 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D7 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D8 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D9 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D10 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D11 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D12 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D13 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D14 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D15 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D16 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D17 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D18 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D19 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D20 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D21 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D22 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D23 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D24 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D25 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D26 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D27 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D28 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D29 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D30 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D31 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D32 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D33 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D34 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D35 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D36 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D37 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D38 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D39 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
iExtension : 0x00
Data (HexDump) : 1F 24 06 03 41 76 9E A2 04 DE E3 47 8B 2B F4 34 .$..Av.....G.+.4
1A FF 00 3B 0E 01 02 06 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 ...;...........
--------- Video Control Extension Unit Descriptor -----
bLength : 0x1F (31 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Control Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x06 (Extension Unit)
bUnitID : 0x04
guidExtensionCode : {A8BD5DF2-1A98-474E-8DD0-D92672D194FA}
bNumControls : 0x06
bNrInPins : 0x01 (1 pins)
baSourceID[1] : 0x03
bControlSize : 0x06
bmControls : 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF, 0xFF
D0 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D1 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D2 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D3 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D4 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D5 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D6 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D7 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D8 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D9 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D10 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D11 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D12 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D13 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D14 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D15 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D16 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D17 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D18 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D19 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D20 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D21 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D22 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D23 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D24 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D25 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D26 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D27 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D28 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D29 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D30 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D31 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D32 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D33 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D34 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D35 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D36 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D37 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D38 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
D39 : 1 yes - Vendor-Specific (Optional)
iExtension : 0x00
Data (HexDump) : 1F 24 06 04 F2 5D BD A8 98 1A 4E 47 8D D0 D9 26 .$...]....NG...&
72 D1 94 FA 06 01 03 06 FF FF FF FF FF FF 00 r..............
------- Video Control Output Terminal Descriptor ------
bLength : 0x09 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Control Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x03 (Output Terminal)
bTerminalID : 0x07
wTerminalType : 0x0101 (TT_STREAMING)
bAssocTerminal : 0x00 (Not associated with an Input Terminal)
bSourceID : 0x04
iTerminal : 0x00
Data (HexDump) : 09 24 03 07 01 01 00 04 00 .$.......
----------------- Endpoint Descriptor -----------------
bLength : 0x07 (7 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x05 (Endpoint Descriptor)
bEndpointAddress : 0x84 (Direction=IN EndpointID=4)
bmAttributes : 0x03 (TransferType=InterruptPeriodic)
wMaxPacketSize : 0x0010
bInterval : 0x08 (8 ms)
Data (HexDump) : 07 05 84 03 10 00 08 .......
------ SuperSpeed Endpoint Companion Descriptor -------
bLength : 0x06 (6 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x30 (SuperSpeed Endpoint Companion Descriptor)
bMaxBurst : 0x00 (up to 1 packets per burst)
bmAttributes : 0x00
wBytesPerInterval : 0x0010 (16 bytes)
Data (HexDump) : 06 30 00 00 10 00 .0....
--- Class-specific VC Interrupt Endpoint Descriptor ---
bLength : 0x05 (5 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x25 (Video Control Endpoint)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x03 (Interrupt)
wMaxTransferSize : 0x0010 (16 bytes)
Data (HexDump) : 05 25 03 10 00 .%...
---------------- Interface Descriptor -----------------
bLength : 0x09 (9 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x04 (Interface Descriptor)
bInterfaceNumber : 0x01
bAlternateSetting : 0x00
bNumEndpoints : 0x01 (1 Endpoint)
bInterfaceClass : 0x0E (Video)
bInterfaceSubClass : 0x02 (Video Streaming)
bInterfaceProtocol : 0x00
iInterface : 0x06 (String Descriptor 6)
Language 0x0409 : "Video Streaming"
Data (HexDump) : 09 04 01 00 01 0E 02 00 06 .........
---- VC-Specific VS Video Input Header Descriptor -----
bLength : 0x12 (18 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x01 (Input Header)
bNumFormats : 0x05
wTotalLength : 0x08A9 (2217 bytes)
bEndpointAddress : 0x81 (Direction=IN EndpointID=1)
bmInfo : 0x00 (Dynamic Format Change not supported)
bTerminalLink : 0x07
bStillCaptureMethod : 0x02 (Still Capture Method 2)
nbTriggerSupport : 0x00 (Hardware Triggering not supported)
bTriggerUsage : 0x00 (Host will initiate still image capture)
nbControlSize : 0x01
Video Payload Format 1 : 0x00
D0 : 0 no - Key Frame Rate
D1 : 0 no - P Frame Rate
D2 : 0 no - Compression Quality
D3 : 0 no - Compression Window Size
D4 : 0 no - Generate Key Frame
D5 : 0 no - Update Frame Segment
D6 : 0 no - Reserved
D7 : 0 no - Reserved
Video Payload Format 2 : 0x04
D0 : 0 no - Key Frame Rate
D1 : 0 no - P Frame Rate
D2 : 1 yes - Compression Quality
D3 : 0 no - Compression Window Size
D4 : 0 no - Generate Key Frame
D5 : 0 no - Update Frame Segment
D6 : 0 no - Reserved
D7 : 0 no - Reserved
Video Payload Format 3 : 0x04
D0 : 0 no - Key Frame Rate
D1 : 0 no - P Frame Rate
D2 : 1 yes - Compression Quality
D3 : 0 no - Compression Window Size
D4 : 0 no - Generate Key Frame
D5 : 0 no - Update Frame Segment
D6 : 0 no - Reserved
D7 : 0 no - Reserved
Video Payload Format 4 : 0x04
D0 : 0 no - Key Frame Rate
D1 : 0 no - P Frame Rate
D2 : 1 yes - Compression Quality
D3 : 0 no - Compression Window Size
D4 : 0 no - Generate Key Frame
D5 : 0 no - Update Frame Segment
D6 : 0 no - Reserved
D7 : 0 no - Reserved
Video Payload Format 5 : 0x00
D0 : 0 no - Key Frame Rate
D1 : 0 no - P Frame Rate
D2 : 0 no - Compression Quality
D3 : 0 no - Compression Window Size
D4 : 0 no - Generate Key Frame
D5 : 0 no - Update Frame Segment
D6 : 0 no - Reserved
D7 : 0 no - Reserved
Data (HexDump) : 12 24 01 05 A9 08 81 00 07 02 00 00 01 00 04 04 .$..............
04 00 ..
---- VS Frame Based Payload Format Type Descriptor ----
*!*ERROR: This format is NOT ALLOWED for UVC 1.0 devices
bLength : 0x1C (28 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x10 (Frame Based Format Type)
bFormatIndex : 0x01 (1)
bNumFrameDescriptors : 0x0E (14)
guidFormat : {34363248-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71} (H264)
bBitsPerPixel : 0x10 (16 bits)
bDefaultFrameIndex : 0x0E (14)
bAspectRatioX : 0x00
bAspectRatioY : 0x00
bmInterlaceFlags : 0x00
D0 IL stream or variable: 0 (no)
D1 Fields per frame : 0 (2 fields)
D2 Field 1 first : 0 (no)
D3 Reserved : 0
D4..5 Field pattern : 0 (Field 1 only)
D6..7 Display Mode : 0 (Bob only)
bCopyProtect : 0x00 (No restrictions)
bVariableSize : 0x01 (Variable Size)
*!*ERROR: no Color Matching Descriptor for this format
Data (HexDump) : 1C 24 10 01 0E 48 32 36 34 00 00 10 00 80 00 00 .$...H264.......
AA 00 38 9B 71 10 0E 00 00 00 00 01 ..8.q.......
----- VS Frame Based Payload Frame Type Descriptor ----
*!*ERROR bDescriptorSubtype did not exist in UVC 1.0
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x11 (Frame Based Payload Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x01
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0280 (640)
wHeight : 0x01E0 (480)
dwMinBitRate : 0x062E0800 (103680000 bps -> 12.960 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x076A7000 (124416000 bps -> 15.552 MB/s)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
dwBytesPerLine : 0x00 (0 bytes)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 11 01 00 80 02 E0 01 00 08 2E 06 00 70 6A 2$............pj
07 15 16 05 00 06 00 00 00 00 15 16 05 00 80 1A ................
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
----- VS Frame Based Payload Frame Type Descriptor ----
*!*ERROR bDescriptorSubtype did not exist in UVC 1.0
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x11 (Frame Based Payload Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x02
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0140 (320)
wHeight : 0x00F0 (240)
dwMinBitRate : 0x062E0800 (103680000 bps -> 12.960 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x076A7000 (124416000 bps -> 15.552 MB/s)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
dwBytesPerLine : 0x00 (0 bytes)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 11 02 00 40 01 F0 00 00 08 2E 06 00 70 6A 2$...@........pj
07 15 16 05 00 06 00 00 00 00 15 16 05 00 80 1A ................
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
----- VS Frame Based Payload Frame Type Descriptor ----
*!*ERROR bDescriptorSubtype did not exist in UVC 1.0
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x11 (Frame Based Payload Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x03
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0160 (352)
wHeight : 0x0120 (288)
dwMinBitRate : 0x062E0800 (103680000 bps -> 12.960 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x076A7000 (124416000 bps -> 15.552 MB/s)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
dwBytesPerLine : 0x00 (0 bytes)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 11 03 00 60 01 20 01 00 08 2E 06 00 70 6A 2$...`. ......pj
07 15 16 05 00 06 00 00 00 00 15 16 05 00 80 1A ................
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
----- VS Frame Based Payload Frame Type Descriptor ----
*!*ERROR bDescriptorSubtype did not exist in UVC 1.0
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x11 (Frame Based Payload Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x04
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x02D0 (720)
wHeight : 0x01E0 (480)
dwMinBitRate : 0x01A5E000 (27648000 bps -> 3.456 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x09E34000 (165888000 bps -> 20.736 MB/s)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
dwBytesPerLine : 0x00 (0 bytes)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 11 04 00 D0 02 E0 01 00 E0 A5 01 00 40 E3 2$............@.
09 15 16 05 00 06 00 00 00 00 15 16 05 00 80 1A ................
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
----- VS Frame Based Payload Frame Type Descriptor ----
*!*ERROR bDescriptorSubtype did not exist in UVC 1.0
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x11 (Frame Based Payload Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x05
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x02D0 (720)
wHeight : 0x0240 (576)
dwMinBitRate : 0x062E0800 (103680000 bps -> 12.960 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x076A7000 (124416000 bps -> 15.552 MB/s)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
dwBytesPerLine : 0x00 (0 bytes)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 11 05 00 D0 02 40 02 00 08 2E 06 00 70 6A 2$.....@......pj
07 15 16 05 00 06 00 00 00 00 15 16 05 00 80 1A ................
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
----- VS Frame Based Payload Frame Type Descriptor ----
*!*ERROR bDescriptorSubtype did not exist in UVC 1.0
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x11 (Frame Based Payload Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x06
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0320 (800)
wHeight : 0x01C0 (448)
dwMinBitRate : 0x062E0800 (103680000 bps -> 12.960 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x076A7000 (124416000 bps -> 15.552 MB/s)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
dwBytesPerLine : 0x00 (0 bytes)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 11 06 00 20 03 C0 01 00 08 2E 06 00 70 6A 2$... ........pj
07 15 16 05 00 06 00 00 00 00 15 16 05 00 80 1A ................
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
----- VS Frame Based Payload Frame Type Descriptor ----
*!*ERROR bDescriptorSubtype did not exist in UVC 1.0
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x11 (Frame Based Payload Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x07
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0320 (800)
wHeight : 0x0258 (600)
dwMinBitRate : 0x062E0800 (103680000 bps -> 12.960 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x076A7000 (124416000 bps -> 15.552 MB/s)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
dwBytesPerLine : 0x00 (0 bytes)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 11 07 00 20 03 58 02 00 08 2E 06 00 70 6A 2$... .X......pj
07 15 16 05 00 06 00 00 00 00 15 16 05 00 80 1A ................
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
----- VS Frame Based Payload Frame Type Descriptor ----
*!*ERROR bDescriptorSubtype did not exist in UVC 1.0
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x11 (Frame Based Payload Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x08
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x03C0 (960)
wHeight : 0x021C (540)
dwMinBitRate : 0x062E0800 (103680000 bps -> 12.960 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x076A7000 (124416000 bps -> 15.552 MB/s)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
dwBytesPerLine : 0x00 (0 bytes)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 11 08 00 C0 03 1C 02 00 08 2E 06 00 70 6A 2$............pj
07 15 16 05 00 06 00 00 00 00 15 16 05 00 80 1A ................
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
----- VS Frame Based Payload Frame Type Descriptor ----
*!*ERROR bDescriptorSubtype did not exist in UVC 1.0
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x11 (Frame Based Payload Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x09
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0400 (1024)
wHeight : 0x0240 (576)
dwMinBitRate : 0x062E0800 (103680000 bps -> 12.960 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x076A7000 (124416000 bps -> 15.552 MB/s)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
dwBytesPerLine : 0x00 (0 bytes)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 11 09 00 00 04 40 02 00 08 2E 06 00 70 6A 2$.....@......pj
07 15 16 05 00 06 00 00 00 00 15 16 05 00 80 1A ................
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
----- VS Frame Based Payload Frame Type Descriptor ----
*!*ERROR bDescriptorSubtype did not exist in UVC 1.0
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x11 (Frame Based Payload Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x0A
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0500 (1280)
wHeight : 0x02D0 (720)
dwMinBitRate : 0x04650000 (73728000 bps -> 9.216 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x1A5E0000 (442368000 bps -> 55.296 MB/s)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
dwBytesPerLine : 0x00 (0 bytes)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 11 0A 00 00 05 D0 02 00 00 65 04 00 00 5E 2$.........e...^
1A 15 16 05 00 06 00 00 00 00 15 16 05 00 80 1A ................
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
----- VS Frame Based Payload Frame Type Descriptor ----
*!*ERROR bDescriptorSubtype did not exist in UVC 1.0
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x11 (Frame Based Payload Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x0B
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0640 (1600)
wHeight : 0x0380 (896)
dwMinBitRate : 0x062E0800 (103680000 bps -> 12.960 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x076A7000 (124416000 bps -> 15.552 MB/s)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
dwBytesPerLine : 0x00 (0 bytes)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 11 0B 00 40 06 80 03 00 08 2E 06 00 70 6A 2$...@........pj
07 15 16 05 00 06 00 00 00 00 15 16 05 00 80 1A ................
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
----- VS Frame Based Payload Frame Type Descriptor ----
*!*ERROR bDescriptorSubtype did not exist in UVC 1.0
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x11 (Frame Based Payload Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x0C
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0780 (1920)
wHeight : 0x0438 (1080)
dwMinBitRate : 0x09E34000 (165888000 bps -> 20.736 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x31704000 (829440000 bps -> 103.680 MB/s)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
dwBytesPerLine : 0x00 (0 bytes)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 11 0C 00 80 07 38 04 00 40 E3 09 00 40 70 2$.....8..@...@p
31 15 16 05 00 06 00 00 00 00 15 16 05 00 80 1A 1...............
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
----- VS Frame Based Payload Frame Type Descriptor ----
*!*ERROR bDescriptorSubtype did not exist in UVC 1.0
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x11 (Frame Based Payload Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x0D
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0A00 (2560)
wHeight : 0x05A0 (1440)
dwMinBitRate : 0x23280000 (589824000 bps -> 73.728 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x69780000 (1769472000 bps -> 221.184 MB/s)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
dwBytesPerLine : 0x00 (0 bytes)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 11 0D 00 00 0A A0 05 00 00 28 23 00 00 78 2$.........(#..x
69 15 16 05 00 06 00 00 00 00 15 16 05 00 80 1A i...............
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
----- VS Frame Based Payload Frame Type Descriptor ----
*!*ERROR bDescriptorSubtype did not exist in UVC 1.0
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x11 (Frame Based Payload Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x0E
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0F00 (3840)
wHeight : 0x0870 (2160)
dwMinBitRate : 0x4F1A0000 (1327104000 bps -> 165.888 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x4F1A0000 (1327104000 bps -> 165.888 MB/s)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
dwBytesPerLine : 0x00 (0 bytes)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 11 0E 00 00 0F 70 08 00 00 1A 4F 00 00 1A 2$.....p....O...
4F 80 1A 06 00 06 00 00 00 00 15 16 05 00 80 1A O...............
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
----- Video Streaming MJPEG Format Type Descriptor ----
bLength : 0x0B (11 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x06 (Format MJPEG)
bFormatIndex : 0x02 (2)
bNumFrameDescriptors : 0x0E (14)
bmFlags : 0x00 (Sample size is not fixed)
bDefaultFrameIndex : 0x0C (12)
bAspectRatioX : 0x00
bAspectRatioY : 0x00
bmInterlaceFlags : 0x00
D0 IL stream or variable: 0 (no)
D1 Fields per frame : 0 (2 fields)
D2 Field 1 first : 0 (no)
D3 Reserved : 0
D4..5 Field pattern : 0 (Field 1 only)
D6..7 Display Mode : 0 (Bob only)
bCopyProtect : 0x00 (No restrictions)
*!*ERROR: no Color Matching Descriptor for this format
Data (HexDump) : 0B 24 06 02 0E 00 0C 00 00 00 00 .$.........
----- Video Streaming MJPEG Frame Type Descriptor -----
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x07 (MJPEG Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x01
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0280 (640)
wHeight : 0x01E0 (480)
dwMinBitRate : 0x01770000 (24576000 bps -> 3.72 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x08CA0000 (147456000 bps -> 18.432 MB/s)
dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize: 0x00096000 (614400 bytes)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 07 01 00 80 02 E0 01 00 00 77 01 00 00 CA 2$.........w....
08 00 60 09 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A ..`.............
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
----- Video Streaming MJPEG Frame Type Descriptor -----
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x07 (MJPEG Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x02
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0140 (320)
wHeight : 0x00F0 (240)
dwMinBitRate : 0x005DC000 (6144000 bps -> 768 KB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x02328000 (36864000 bps -> 4.608 MB/s)
dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize: 0x00025800 (153600 bytes)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 07 02 00 40 01 F0 00 00 C0 5D 00 00 80 32 2$...@.....]...2
02 00 58 02 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A ..X.............
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
----- Video Streaming MJPEG Frame Type Descriptor -----
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x07 (MJPEG Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x03
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0160 (352)
wHeight : 0x0120 (288)
dwMinBitRate : 0x007BC000 (8110080 bps -> 1.13 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x02E68000 (48660480 bps -> 6.82 MB/s)
dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize: 0x00031800 (202752 bytes)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 07 03 00 60 01 20 01 00 C0 7B 00 00 80 E6 2$...`. ...{....
02 00 18 03 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A ................
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
----- Video Streaming MJPEG Frame Type Descriptor -----
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x07 (MJPEG Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x04
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x02D0 (720)
wHeight : 0x01E0 (480)
dwMinBitRate : 0x01A5E000 (27648000 bps -> 3.456 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x09E34000 (165888000 bps -> 20.736 MB/s)
dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize: 0x000A8C00 (691200 bytes)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 07 04 00 D0 02 E0 01 00 E0 A5 01 00 40 E3 2$............@.
09 00 8C 0A 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A ................
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
----- Video Streaming MJPEG Frame Type Descriptor -----
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x07 (MJPEG Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x05
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x02D0 (720)
wHeight : 0x0240 (576)
dwMinBitRate : 0x01FA4000 (33177600 bps -> 4.147 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x0BDD8000 (199065600 bps -> 24.883 MB/s)
dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize: 0x000CA800 (829440 bytes)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 07 05 00 D0 02 40 02 00 40 FA 01 00 80 DD 2$.....@..@.....
0B 00 A8 0C 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A ................
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
----- Video Streaming MJPEG Frame Type Descriptor -----
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x07 (MJPEG Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x06
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0320 (800)
wHeight : 0x01C0 (448)
dwMinBitRate : 0x01B58000 (28672000 bps -> 3.584 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x0A410000 (172032000 bps -> 21.504 MB/s)
dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize: 0x000AF000 (716800 bytes)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 07 06 00 20 03 C0 01 00 80 B5 01 00 00 41 2$... .........A
0A 00 F0 0A 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A ................
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
----- Video Streaming MJPEG Frame Type Descriptor -----
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x07 (MJPEG Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x07
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0320 (800)
wHeight : 0x0258 (600)
dwMinBitRate : 0x0249F000 (38400000 bps -> 4.800 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x0DBBA000 (230400000 bps -> 28.800 MB/s)
dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize: 0x000EA600 (960000 bytes)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 07 07 00 20 03 58 02 00 F0 49 02 00 A0 BB 2$... .X...I....
0D 00 A6 0E 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A ................
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
----- Video Streaming MJPEG Frame Type Descriptor -----
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x07 (MJPEG Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x08
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x03C0 (960)
wHeight : 0x021C (540)
dwMinBitRate : 0x0C5C1000 (207360000 bps -> 25.920 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x0ED4E000 (248832000 bps -> 31.104 MB/s)
dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize: 0x000FD200 (1036800 bytes)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 07 08 00 C0 03 1C 02 00 10 5C 0C 00 E0 D4 2$.........\....
0E 00 D2 0F 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A ................
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
----- Video Streaming MJPEG Frame Type Descriptor -----
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x07 (MJPEG Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x09
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0400 (1024)
wHeight : 0x0240 (576)
dwMinBitRate : 0x02D00000 (47185920 bps -> 5.898 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x10E00000 (283115520 bps -> 35.389 MB/s)
dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize: 0x00120000 (1179648 bytes)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 07 09 00 00 04 40 02 00 00 D0 02 00 00 E0 2$.....@........
10 00 00 12 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A ................
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
----- Video Streaming MJPEG Frame Type Descriptor -----
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x07 (MJPEG Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x0A
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0500 (1280)
wHeight : 0x02D0 (720)
dwMinBitRate : 0x04650000 (73728000 bps -> 9.216 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x1A5E0000 (442368000 bps -> 55.296 MB/s)
dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize: 0x001C2000 (1843200 bytes)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 07 0A 00 00 05 D0 02 00 00 65 04 00 00 5E 2$.........e...^
1A 00 20 1C 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A .. .............
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
----- Video Streaming MJPEG Frame Type Descriptor -----
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x07 (MJPEG Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x0B
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0640 (1600)
wHeight : 0x0380 (896)
dwMinBitRate : 0x06D60000 (114688000 bps -> 14.336 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x29040000 (688128000 bps -> 86.16 MB/s)
dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize: 0x002BC000 (2867200 bytes)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 07 0B 00 40 06 80 03 00 00 D6 06 00 00 04 2$...@..........
29 00 C0 2B 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A )..+............
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
----- Video Streaming MJPEG Frame Type Descriptor -----
---> This is the Default (optimum) Frame index
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x07 (MJPEG Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x0C
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0780 (1920)
wHeight : 0x0438 (1080)
dwMinBitRate : 0x09E34000 (165888000 bps -> 20.736 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x31704000 (829440000 bps -> 103.680 MB/s)
dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize: 0x003F4800 (4147200 bytes)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 07 0C 00 80 07 38 04 00 40 E3 09 00 40 70 2$.....8..@...@p
31 00 48 3F 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A 1.H?............
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
----- Video Streaming MJPEG Frame Type Descriptor -----
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x07 (MJPEG Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x0D
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0A00 (2560)
wHeight : 0x05A0 (1440)
dwMinBitRate : 0x23280000 (589824000 bps -> 73.728 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x69780000 (1769472000 bps -> 221.184 MB/s)
dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize: 0x00708000 (7372800 bytes)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 07 0D 00 00 0A A0 05 00 00 28 23 00 00 78 2$.........(#..x
69 00 80 70 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A i..p............
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
----- Video Streaming MJPEG Frame Type Descriptor -----
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x07 (MJPEG Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x0E
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0F00 (3840)
wHeight : 0x0870 (2160)
dwMinBitRate : 0x4F1A0000 (1327104000 bps -> 165.888 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x4F1A0000 (1327104000 bps -> 165.888 MB/s)
dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize: 0x00FD2000 (16588800 bytes)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 07 0E 00 00 0F 70 08 00 00 1A 4F 00 00 1A 2$.....p....O...
4F 00 20 FD 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A O. .............
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
------- VS Uncompressed Format Type Descriptor --------
bLength : 0x1B (27 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x04 (Uncompressed Format Type)
bFormatIndex : 0x03 (3)
bNumFrameDescriptors : 0x07 (7)
guidFormat : {3231564E-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71} (NV12)
bBitsPerPixel : 0x0C (12 bits)
bDefaultFrameIndex : 0x07 (7)
bAspectRatioX : 0x00
bAspectRatioY : 0x00
bmInterlaceFlags : 0x00
D0 IL stream or variable: 0 (no)
D1 Fields per frame : 0 (2 fields)
D2 Field 1 first : 0 (no)
D3 Reserved : 0
D4..5 Field pattern : 0 (Field 1 only)
D6..7 Display Mode : 0 (Bob only)
bCopyProtect : 0x00 (No restrictions)
*!*ERROR: no Color Matching Descriptor for this format
Data (HexDump) : 1B 24 04 03 07 4E 56 31 32 00 00 10 00 80 00 00 .$...NV12.......
AA 00 38 9B 71 0C 07 00 00 00 00 ..8.q......
-------- VS Uncompressed Frame Type Descriptor --------
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x05 (Uncompressed Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x01
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0280 (640)
wHeight : 0x01E0 (480)
dwMinBitRate : 0x01770000 (24576000 bps -> 3.72 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x08CA0000 (147456000 bps -> 18.432 MB/s)
dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize: 0x00096000 (614400 bytes)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 05 01 00 80 02 E0 01 00 00 77 01 00 00 CA 2$.........w....
08 00 60 09 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A ..`.............
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
-------- VS Uncompressed Frame Type Descriptor --------
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x05 (Uncompressed Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x02
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0140 (320)
wHeight : 0x00B4 (180)
dwMinBitRate : 0x00465000 (4608000 bps -> 576 KB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x01A5E000 (27648000 bps -> 3.456 MB/s)
dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize: 0x0001C200 (115200 bytes)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 05 02 00 40 01 B4 00 00 50 46 00 00 E0 A5 2$...@....PF....
01 00 C2 01 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A ................
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
-------- VS Uncompressed Frame Type Descriptor --------
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x05 (Uncompressed Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x03
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0320 (800)
wHeight : 0x01C0 (448)
dwMinBitRate : 0x01B58000 (28672000 bps -> 3.584 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x0A410000 (172032000 bps -> 21.504 MB/s)
dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize: 0x000AF000 (716800 bytes)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 05 03 00 20 03 C0 01 00 80 B5 01 00 00 41 2$... .........A
0A 00 F0 0A 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A ................
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
-------- VS Uncompressed Frame Type Descriptor --------
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x05 (Uncompressed Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x04
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0320 (800)
wHeight : 0x0258 (600)
dwMinBitRate : 0x0249F000 (38400000 bps -> 4.800 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x0DBBA000 (230400000 bps -> 28.800 MB/s)
dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize: 0x000EA600 (960000 bytes)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 05 04 00 20 03 58 02 00 F0 49 02 00 A0 BB 2$... .X...I....
0D 00 A6 0E 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A ................
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
-------- VS Uncompressed Frame Type Descriptor --------
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x05 (Uncompressed Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x05
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0400 (1024)
wHeight : 0x0240 (576)
dwMinBitRate : 0x02D00000 (47185920 bps -> 5.898 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x10E00000 (283115520 bps -> 35.389 MB/s)
dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize: 0x00120000 (1179648 bytes)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 05 05 00 00 04 40 02 00 00 D0 02 00 00 E0 2$.....@........
10 00 00 12 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A ................
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
-------- VS Uncompressed Frame Type Descriptor --------
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x05 (Uncompressed Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x06
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0500 (1280)
wHeight : 0x02D0 (720)
dwMinBitRate : 0x04650000 (73728000 bps -> 9.216 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x1A5E0000 (442368000 bps -> 55.296 MB/s)
dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize: 0x001C2000 (1843200 bytes)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 05 06 00 00 05 D0 02 00 00 65 04 00 00 5E 2$.........e...^
1A 00 20 1C 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A .. .............
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
-------- VS Uncompressed Frame Type Descriptor --------
---> This is the Default (optimum) Frame index
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x05 (Uncompressed Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x07
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0780 (1920)
wHeight : 0x0438 (1080)
dwMinBitRate : 0x09E34000 (165888000 bps -> 20.736 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x3B538000 (995328000 bps -> 124.416 MB/s)
dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize: 0x003F4800 (4147200 bytes)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 05 07 00 80 07 38 04 00 40 E3 09 00 80 53 2$.....8..@....S
3B 00 48 3F 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A ;.H?............
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
------- VS Uncompressed Format Type Descriptor --------
bLength : 0x1B (27 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x04 (Uncompressed Format Type)
bFormatIndex : 0x04 (4)
bNumFrameDescriptors : 0x07 (7)
guidFormat : {32595559-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71} (YUY2)
bBitsPerPixel : 0x10 (16 bits)
bDefaultFrameIndex : 0x07 (7)
bAspectRatioX : 0x00
bAspectRatioY : 0x00
bmInterlaceFlags : 0x00
D0 IL stream or variable: 0 (no)
D1 Fields per frame : 0 (2 fields)
D2 Field 1 first : 0 (no)
D3 Reserved : 0
D4..5 Field pattern : 0 (Field 1 only)
D6..7 Display Mode : 0 (Bob only)
bCopyProtect : 0x00 (No restrictions)
Data (HexDump) : 1B 24 04 04 07 59 55 59 32 00 00 10 00 80 00 00 .$...YUY2.......
AA 00 38 9B 71 10 07 00 00 00 00 ..8.q......
-------- VS Uncompressed Frame Type Descriptor --------
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x05 (Uncompressed Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x01
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0280 (640)
wHeight : 0x01E0 (480)
dwMinBitRate : 0x01770000 (24576000 bps -> 3.72 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x08CA0000 (147456000 bps -> 18.432 MB/s)
dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize: 0x00096000 (614400 bytes)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 05 01 00 80 02 E0 01 00 00 77 01 00 00 CA 2$.........w....
08 00 60 09 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A ..`.............
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
-------- VS Uncompressed Frame Type Descriptor --------
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x05 (Uncompressed Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x02
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0140 (320)
wHeight : 0x00B4 (180)
dwMinBitRate : 0x00465000 (4608000 bps -> 576 KB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x01A5E000 (27648000 bps -> 3.456 MB/s)
dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize: 0x0001C200 (115200 bytes)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 05 02 00 40 01 B4 00 00 50 46 00 00 E0 A5 2$...@....PF....
01 00 C2 01 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A ................
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
-------- VS Uncompressed Frame Type Descriptor --------
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x05 (Uncompressed Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x03
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0320 (800)
wHeight : 0x01C0 (448)
dwMinBitRate : 0x01B58000 (28672000 bps -> 3.584 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x0A410000 (172032000 bps -> 21.504 MB/s)
dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize: 0x000AF000 (716800 bytes)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 05 03 00 20 03 C0 01 00 80 B5 01 00 00 41 2$... .........A
0A 00 F0 0A 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A ................
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
-------- VS Uncompressed Frame Type Descriptor --------
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x05 (Uncompressed Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x04
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0320 (800)
wHeight : 0x0258 (600)
dwMinBitRate : 0x0249F000 (38400000 bps -> 4.800 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x0DBBA000 (230400000 bps -> 28.800 MB/s)
dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize: 0x000EA600 (960000 bytes)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 05 04 00 20 03 58 02 00 F0 49 02 00 A0 BB 2$... .X...I....
0D 00 A6 0E 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A ................
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
-------- VS Uncompressed Frame Type Descriptor --------
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x05 (Uncompressed Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x05
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0400 (1024)
wHeight : 0x0240 (576)
dwMinBitRate : 0x02D00000 (47185920 bps -> 5.898 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x10E00000 (283115520 bps -> 35.389 MB/s)
dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize: 0x00120000 (1179648 bytes)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 05 05 00 00 04 40 02 00 00 D0 02 00 00 E0 2$.....@........
10 00 00 12 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A ................
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
-------- VS Uncompressed Frame Type Descriptor --------
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x05 (Uncompressed Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x06
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0500 (1280)
wHeight : 0x02D0 (720)
dwMinBitRate : 0x04650000 (73728000 bps -> 9.216 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x1A5E0000 (442368000 bps -> 55.296 MB/s)
dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize: 0x001C2000 (1843200 bytes)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 05 06 00 00 05 D0 02 00 00 65 04 00 00 5E 2$.........e...^
1A 00 20 1C 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A .. .............
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
-------- VS Uncompressed Frame Type Descriptor --------
---> This is the Default (optimum) Frame index
bLength : 0x32 (50 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x05 (Uncompressed Frame Type)
bFrameIndex : 0x07
bmCapabilities : 0x00
wWidth : 0x0780 (1920)
wHeight : 0x0438 (1080)
dwMinBitRate : 0x09E34000 (165888000 bps -> 20.736 MB/s)
dwMaxBitRate : 0x3B538000 (995328000 bps -> 124.416 MB/s)
dwMaxVideoFrameBufferSize: 0x003F4800 (4147200 bytes)
dwDefaultFrameInterval : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
bFrameIntervalType : 0x06 (6 discrete frame intervals supported)
adwFrameInterval[1] : 0x00051615 (33.3333 ms -> 30.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[2] : 0x00061A80 (40.0000 ms -> 25.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[3] : 0x0007A120 (50.0000 ms -> 20.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[4] : 0x000A2C2A (66.6666 ms -> 15.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[5] : 0x000F4240 (100.0000 ms -> 10.000 fps)
adwFrameInterval[6] : 0x001E8480 (200.0000 ms -> 5.000 fps)
Data (HexDump) : 32 24 05 07 00 80 07 38 04 00 40 E3 09 00 80 53 2$.....8..@....S
3B 00 48 3F 00 15 16 05 00 06 15 16 05 00 80 1A ;.H?............
06 00 20 A1 07 00 2A 2C 0A 00 40 42 0F 00 80 84 .. ...*,..@B....
1E 00 ..
------- VS Color Matching Descriptor Descriptor -------
bLength : 0x06 (6 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x24 (Video Streaming Interface)
bDescriptorSubtype : 0x0D (Color Matching)
bColorPrimaries : 0x01 (BT.709, sRGB)
bTransferCharacteristics : 0x01 (BT.709)
bMatrixCoefficients : 0x04 (SMPTE 170M)
Data (HexDump) : 06 24 0D 01 01 04 .$....
----------------- Endpoint Descriptor -----------------
bLength : 0x07 (7 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x05 (Endpoint Descriptor)
bEndpointAddress : 0x81 (Direction=IN EndpointID=1)
bmAttributes : 0x02 (TransferType=Bulk)
wMaxPacketSize : 0x0400 (max 1024 bytes)
bInterval : 0x00 (never NAKs)
Data (HexDump) : 07 05 81 02 00 04 00 .......
------ SuperSpeed Endpoint Companion Descriptor -------
bLength : 0x06 (6 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x30 (SuperSpeed Endpoint Companion Descriptor)
bMaxBurst : 0x0F (up to 16 packets per burst)
bmAttributes : 0x00 (The bulk endpoint does not define streams)
wBytesPerInterval : 0x0000
Data (HexDump) : 06 30 0F 00 00 00 .0....
---------- Binary Object Store (BOS) Descriptor -----------
bLength : 0x05 (5 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x0F (Binary Object Store)
wTotalLength : 0x0016 (22 bytes)
bNumDeviceCaps : 0x02
Data (HexDump) : 05 0F 16 00 02 .....
------------- USB 2.0 Extension Descriptor ------------
bLength : 0x07 (7 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x10 (Device Capability Descriptor)
bDevCapabilityType : 0x02 (USB 2.0 Extension)
bmAttributes : 0x06
LPMCapable : 1 (Link Power Management protocol is supported)
BESLAndAlternateHIRD : 1 (BESL & Alternate HIRD definitions are supported)
BaselineBESLValid : 0 (not valid)
DeepBESLValid : 0 (not valid)
BaselineBESL : 0
DeepBESL : 0
Data (HexDump) : 07 10 02 06 00 00 00 .......
----- SuperSpeed USB Device Capability Descriptor -----
bLength : 0x0A (10 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x10 (Device Capability Descriptor)
bDevCapabilityType : 0x03 (SuperSpeed USB Device Capability)
bmAttributes : 0x00
Bit 0 Reserved : 0x00
Bit 1 LTM Capable : 0x00 (no)
Bit 7:2 Reserved : 0x00
wSpeedsSupported : 0x0F (Low-Speed, Full-Speed, High-Speed, SuperSpeed)
bFunctionalitySupport : 0x01 (lowest speed with all the functionality is 'Full-Speed')
bU1DevExitLat : 0x01 (less than 1 µs)
wU2DevExitLat : 0x01F4 (less than 500 µs)
Data (HexDump) : 0A 10 03 00 0F 00 01 01 F4 01 ..........
-------------------- String Descriptors -------------------
------ String Descriptor 0 ------
bLength : 0x04 (4 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x03 (String Descriptor)
Language ID[0] : 0x0409 (English - United States)
Data (HexDump) : 04 03 09 04 ....
------ String Descriptor 1 ------
bLength : 0x22 (34 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x03 (String Descriptor)
Language 0x0409 : "Linux Foundation"
Data (HexDump) : 22 03 4C 00 69 00 6E 00 75 00 78 00 20 00 46 00 ".L.i.n.u.x. .F.
6F 00 75 00 6E 00 64 00 61 00 74 00 69 00 6F 00 o.u.n.d.a.t.i.o.
6E 00 n.
------ String Descriptor 2 ------
bLength : 0x16 (22 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x03 (String Descriptor)
Language 0x0409 : "UHD Camera"
Data (HexDump) : 16 03 55 00 48 00 44 00 20 00 43 00 61 00 6D 00 ..U.H.D. .C.a.m.
65 00 72 00 61 00 e.r.a.
------ String Descriptor 4 ------
bLength : 0x0C (12 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x03 (String Descriptor)
Language 0x0409 : "Video"
Data (HexDump) : 0C 03 56 00 69 00 64 00 65 00 6F 00 ..V.i.d.e.o.
------ String Descriptor 5 ------
bLength : 0x16 (22 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x03 (String Descriptor)
Language 0x0409 : "UHD Camera"
Data (HexDump) : 16 03 55 00 48 00 44 00 20 00 43 00 61 00 6D 00 ..U.H.D. .C.a.m.
65 00 72 00 61 00 e.r.a.
------ String Descriptor 6 ------
bLength : 0x20 (32 bytes)
bDescriptorType : 0x03 (String Descriptor)
Language 0x0409 : "Video Streaming"
Data (HexDump) : 20 03 56 00 69 00 64 00 65 00 6F 00 20 00 53 00 .V.i.d.e.o. .S.
74 00 72 00 65 00 61 00 6D 00 69 00 6E 00 67 00 t.r.e.a.m.i.n.g.